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Aktuelne vesti

Aktuelne vesti
Why the correct operation of ventilation systems is particularly important now
Ventilation systems can contain the spread of viruses, because the higher the...
17 август 2020
Aktuelne vesti
SAUTER technology for two COVID-19 vaccine research and development facilities in Beijing, China
With two projects related to COVID-19 vaccine development in China, SAUTER strengthens...
8 јун 2020
Mobile Building Services – room operation via SAUTER Cloud
Modern smartphone and tablet solutions for apartment, hotel and office buildings are...
4 новембар 2019
Aktuelne vesti
Highlights and innovations at ISH 2019 – with SAUTER Intelligence Inside
From 11-15 March 2019, it was that time again. ISH, the world’s...
14 мај 2019
Aktuelne vesti
SAUTER launches ecos504-IoT: an innovative and smart solution for home automation and building automation
With the development of the ecos504-IoT, which uses the Internet of Things...
13 март 2019
Aktuelne vesti
Combining high performance with IoT architecture: modulo 6.
SAUTER modulo 6 comprises compact, powerful hardware, intuitive cloud-based software, a wide range of...
7 март 2019
Aktuelne vesti
Energy Pack for SAUTER valve actuators: When downtimes are not an option
The energy module for SAUTER vialoq valve actuators enables simple retrofitting of...
31 јануар 2019
Aktuelne vesti
SAUTER Vision Center 6.1: Universal building management – simple and equipped for the future
The latest generation of SAUTER Vision Center integrates additional visualisation and operation...
3 децембар 2018
Aktuelne vesti
SAUTER ecos505: Integrated room automation for more convenience and efficiency
The SAUTER ecos505 room controller guarantees both seamless integration in the building...
28 новембар 2018
Aktuelne vesti
SAUTER eValveco: Simple control of heating, cooling and hydraulic balancing
The SAUTER eValveco system is used for real-time flow regulation and automatic...
18 октобар 2018
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